Login screen

The login screen is the first page you will see when accessing the goService app.

The login screen of the Service app of goUrban:


Find goUrban’s terms and conditions in the bottom of the login screen linked in Terms & Conditions.

Privacy Policy

Find goUrban’s privacy policy in the bottom of the login screen linked in Privacy Policy.

Tenant Code

The tenant code will be asked when clicking on Log in. The code is a 4-digit number unique for your environment.

You will receive this code during the onboarding from your Customer Onboarding Manager. At a later stage you can reach out to the Customer Support Team via support@gourban.co.


Screen to enter the tenant code

Login credentials

You will be redirected to the login screen after entering the tenant code. The login credentials are the same as in the dashboard. If you do not have access to the dashboard yet, reach out to your account manager. They will grant you access and sends you the login credentials.

Login screen

Forgot Password

When clicking Forgot Password you will receive a new password to your email address, if this email address exists in your environment.

Permissions / roles

Appropriate permissions granted to the user are required to use the app.

The permissions are granted via the dashboard to a user. The standard permission is called Service agent, but additional permissions/roles can be granted or created.