Issues description

Create issues to keep track of incidents during rentals (accident, traffic violations...) and bill users.


The table shows the list of issues. The table can be expanded or reduced by selecting the “gear”-wheel symbol on the right of the table header. It is possible to search and filter for certain columns.

+Add Issue

Click the +Add Issue button to add an issue. Fill out the form by

  1. Selecting a category of the issue.
  2. Give the issue a title.
  3. (Optional) Give the issue a description.
  4. Enter the rental ID where the issue appeared.
  5. Click Create issue

Quick info

The issues tab is a powerful tool that was created, if you want to:

  1. Create an issue.
  2. Create an invoice and charge the user for the issue.
  3. Mark the issue as closed once it has been paid.
  4. Have an overview of all issues and their state.

How to:

Enable the Issues page?

Issues is an app. To enable it, go to:

  • Apps
  • Find Issues
  • Click Activate

A new link will show in the sidebar.

Create an issue?

Find a rental to link the issue to. Then:

  1. Click Create issue
  2. Choose a category
  3. Give it a meaningful title
  4. Click Create issue

You can continue editing the issue in the issue quick-view.

You can add details and comments in the Comments tab.

If you want to bill the user for any damage or fine:

  • Click Create invoice
  • Give it a title and a description
  • Click Create invoice

You can add line items to the invoice by clicking the ... and the button Add item.

Whenever you are ready to send the invoice and charge the user, click again on the ... and the button Send invoice. You can add a text that will be added in the email. Once the invoice is sent, if the user has a payment method stored, the system will attempt to charge it.

Please make sure that the invoice has been paid before you mark it as closed.

Notify users about created Issues?

This is only currently possible when the invoice for the Issue is sent.

If you wish to notify users that an issue was created please do so by sending an email manually if you have the user's email or send an SMS or PUSH notification via the user quick-view.