1. goUrban Knowledge Base
  2. White-label end-user app
  3. Important info about the white-label end-user app

Google Playstore API access

Necessary for every operator who is using the goUrban white-label end-user app.

In order for us to easily upload the app to your google play store, goUrban needs to get one single JSON file format from Google Play Console. All required steps below describe how to achieve that.

  • Open the Google Play Console
  • Click the Settings menu entry, followed by API access
  • Click the CREATE SERVICE ACCOUNT button
  • Follow the Google Developers Console link in the dialog, which opens a new tab/window:
  • Click the CREATE SERVICE ACCOUNT button at the top of the Google Developers Consol
  • Provide a Service account name
  • Click Select a role and choose Service Accounts > Service Account User
  • Check the Furnish a new private key checkbox
  • Make sure JSON is selected as the Key type if asked
  • Click in the created Service account
  • Click ADD KEY and then Create new key

  • Select key type JSON
  • Click ‘Create’. You should then get a message telling you ‘Private key saved to your computer’ and the private key should begin downloading. Click ‘Close’ on the dialog, then click ‘Done’ on the page. (Clicking the Done button on the dialog back in your developer console will refresh the page and show you what has changed).
  • You can now close the Google Cloud Console and come back to the Play Console. Click the Grant Access button next to the newly created Service Account.
  • Choose Release Manager (or alternatively Project Lead) from the Role dropdown. (Note that choosing Release Manager grants access to the production track and all other tracks. Choosing Project Lead grants access to update all tracks except the production track.)
  • Send the JSON file to your Account Manager

You can use fastlane run validate_play_store_json_key json_key:/path/to/your/downloaded/file.json to test the connection to Google Play Store with the downloaded private key.