Errors and error codes

Please find all the error codes listed below that will be given by the system of goUrban.

What is the structure of an error code?

The error code consists of a general code and an internal suffix separated by a dot.

For example, R102.1 is displayed:

  • Then R102 is the general code and .1 is the internal suffix.
  • For looking up the error code in the list below, please search for the general code (e.g. R102) without the suffix. Wherever it helps we provide additional information with the internal suffix.

If there is any error code displayed in the app that is not listed here, or the description of the error code is not helping you or the customer understand the situation, please reach out to and we will gladly help you out!

General / User

U101 password not up to rules

U102 user already exists

U104 user creation failed

U106 user couldn't be found

U107 can't get active user

U109 Chosen authentication method is not supported

U111 Country must be set

U120 You're not allowed to change this data, contact support for this

U130 user data is incomplete -

  • U130.2 Either email or phone must be set for the user.
  • U130.3 Email is not set for the user.
  • U130.4 Phone is not set for the user.
  • U130.5 First name is not set for the user. 
  • U130.6 Last name is not set for the user.
  • U130.7 Birth date is not set for the user.

U131 your account has been locked, please contact support

U132 you have not reached the minimum age to use our service

U133 you have passed the maximum age to use our service

U134 you have unpaid invoices, please check your payment

U135 user data is incomplete (street)

U136 user data is incomplete (postcode)

U137 user data is incomplete (city)

U138 user data is incomplete (country)

U139 you have not bought a signup package

U140 email address couldn't be changed

U141 there's already a user with that email

U141.1 -> duplicate email when creating a user by an admin

U141.2 -> duplicate email when adding email sign in to an existing user

U141.3 -> duplicate email when changing own email address

U142 the given email address is invalid

U143 your current balance is too low  - please recharge it to ride - Your current balance is too low. Please buy a package to recharge it, to enjoy another ride again! -> This can also be a configuration setting via the dashboard. Check the rental requirements for the branch and vehicle category.

U144 the group is not authorized for rental, please check with the owner

U145 there's already a user with that phone number -> added a phone login to an existing user however the phone number is already in use

U146 you are not allowed to remove chosen sign-in method

U147 you have not added sign-in method you are trying to remove

U148 the balance of this user group is too low, please recharge it to ride

U149 existing user is trying to set phone number to one which already is used

U201 one of two doesn't exist

U202 not allowed to add rental authority

U203 rental authority not found

U204 not allowed to delete rental authority

U205 not allowed to add role assignment

U206 not allowed to delete role assignment

U207 role not found

U208 rental authority already exists

U209 not allowed to rent this vehicle - check if the user has rental authority (accepted terms and conditions) on the branch.

U211 role could not be found

U212 not allowed to add role

U213 role assignment could not be found

U214 not allowed to delete role

U215 this role assignment already exists

U216 user is not assigned required role

U217 not allowed to read roles

U218 not allowed to read permissions

U219 not allowed to update roles

U220 User can't be deleted because of existing rentals

U221 User can't be deleted because of existing invoices

U222 User can't be deleted because of existing issues

U223 You can't delete your own user

U224 You can't delete an already deleted user

U225 Error occurred when deleting user on external services

U226 Oops, be careful! You should never try to delete that user.



SE100 App is not valid. Please update.



SU100 Subscription with given code already exists

SU101 Subscription with given id does not exist

SU102 Subscription with given id has active references (vouchers/invoices)

SU103 You are already subscribed to given subscription

SU104 You are not subscribed to given subscription

SU105 Subscription is inactive

SU106 At least one subscription benefit must not be null

SU107 You have canceled subscription. Reactivate it or renew manually

SU108 You have already canceled subscription

SU109 Something went wrong. Please try later

SU110 Provided benefits combination is not valid

SU111 Applicable branches must have the same billable branch as subscription

SU112 Both initialPrice and initialIterations must be provided

SU113 Buying subscriptions is not allowed for foreign branches

CV100 Constraint voucher for given user and voucherable does not exist



A100 you are not allowed to request this action

A101 you are not allowed to perform rentals at this location

A102 you are not allowed to perform actions on this rental

A103 you are not allowed to access this file

A104 you are not allowed to perform this action on this booking

A105 you are not allowed to access this file linked to a rental

A106 you are not allowed to access this file linked to a vehicle

A107 you are not allowed to access this file linked to a user

A108 you are not allowed to access this file linked to an issue


Phone verification

U301 phone number already verified

U302 user has no phone number

U303 error sending verification sms

U304 not a valid phone number (in international format)

U305 verification code expired

U306 verification code doesn't match


E-Mail verification

U401 email already verified

U402 error sending verification mail

U404 user with verification code not found

U405 verification code expired

U406 couldn't send password reset link

U407 not a valid verification token


Driving license verification

U501 your driving license is already verified

U502 your driving license is not verified

U503 can't verify driving licenses at the moment

U504 your driving license verification is being processed. Please try again later.

U505 your driving license verification has been rejected. Please try again.

U506 your driving license verification has been set to retry. Please try again.

U508 your driving license verification is being processed. Please try again later.

U509 your driving license verification needs additional processing. Please contact customer support.

U510 your driving license is expired. Please verify again.

U511 your driving license verification is being processed. Please try again later.

U512 you don't have the required type of driving license

U530 verifications couldn't be loaded

U531 media couldn't be loaded


Terms and Conditions

U601 you haven't agreed to the terms and conditions yet.

U602 you haven't agreed to the latest terms and conditions yet.

U603 you cannot accept terms and conditions for non existing branch

U604 you cannot accept invalid terms and conditions for this branch

U605 you cannot accept terms and conditions for this branch without rental authority

U606 terms and conditions couldn't be found


Manual verification

U702 your address is not verified

U704 your address verification is being processed. Please try again later.

U705 your address verification has been rejected. Please try again.

U706 your address verification has been set to retry. Please try again.


User Group

UG100 user group not found

UG101 this email is already in use

UG101.1 -> duplicate email when creating user group

UG101.2 -> duplicate email when updating user group

UG102 user group creation failed

UG103 no member found with given referralCode

UG104 supply at least and at most one identifier

UG105 user group request not found

UG106 user group request update state is invalid

UG107 user group request not in updatable state

UG108 there is already another request active for this group and user

UG109 user is already a member of this group

UG110 membership has been suspended, please contact the owner of the group

UG111 You have reached maximum number of group memberships

UGA100 Unexpected error from Gaiyo.

UGA101 Gaiyo account must be connected first!

UGA102 Sorry, this feature is currently not enabled for Gaiyo payments.

UGA103 You are not allowed to rent using Gaiyo while having unsettled balance.

UGA104 Gaiyo is currently disabled. Please try again.

UGA105 You have already connected Gaiyo.

UGA106 You have already connected social login.

UES100 Renting through external service is temporarily unavailable. Please use native app, or try again.

UES101 Booking through external service is temporarily unavailable. Please use native app, or try again.


Branches & Rental requirements

U800 The chosen vehicle category is not configured on this branch.

U802 This branch is not completely configured

  • U802.1 - The billable branch is not created, assigned or wrongly configured for this branch. Please check the affected branch itself and the respective billable branch
  • U802.2 - There is an End Rental Requirement of NOT_IN_PROHIBITED_AREA, but no prohibited area is created in this branch. Create a prohibited area to resolve the issue.
  • U802.3 - The business area is not created for the affected branch. Please create a business area to resolve the issue.
  • U802.4 - The opening hours of the affected branch are not set. Please enter the opening hours on the branch to resolve the issue.

U803 Branch has cyclic parent configuration

B203 you are not allowed to modify this branch

B204 only currency codes from ISO 4217 are accepted

B206 this request is only allowed for non billable branches

B207 this request is only allowed for billable branches

B208 no branch exists which contains the position

B300 can only pick up booking in state BOOKED or APPROVED

B301 The chosen booking is already associated with a rental.

B404 branch not found

B400 Branch with given id has active references



N404 note not found



P101 can't get payment sources

P102 no payment profiles found

P103 payment profile not found

P104 no payment source added or package bought

P105 no package bought

P113 can't delete default payment source

P112 can't delete payment source

P120 can't add payment source

P121 another account is already using this credit card

P123 can't change default payment source

P125 credit card can't be verified, please use another method of payment

P126 your credit card can't be verified currently

P127 can't deduct signup fee

P128 sorry, we can't offer you SEPA as a payment method, please use credit card

P130 can't charge payment method

P140 can't get status of charge

P150 payment can't be retried

P160 charge can't be cancelled

P170 payment couldn't be started, please try again later

P171 payment could not be initiated, the given method is not supported

P172 payment service provider apaya is not available

P173 payment failed to initiate

P180 payment couldn't be refunded

P190 payment method is not available

P200 3ds is not supported on fund availability check

P201 failed to finish 3ds payment

P202 no 3ds session for this id found

P300 selected price calc is not configured - no price calculation is configured for the category and branch defined by the rental

P404 payment couldn't be found

P405 Authorization charge unsuccessful



R102 you've already got an active rental

R103 The same vehicle can be rented only once within 5 minutes after ending a rental on it

R105 We are in hibernation! Stay tuned for next spring!

R106 We are currently in maintenance mode, please check again later.

R107 operation not allowed on this vehicle - The vehicle is not in rentalState=AVAILABLE (vehicle is in DRIVING/PARKING state)

R108.X Rental operation not allowed on this vehicle because it is Out Of Order. The number after the dot explains what the OOO Service State of the vehicle was.

  • R108.3 - Vehicle was in OOO Service State ‘Collect’
  • R108.4 - Vehicle was in OOO Service State ‘Service on site’
  • R108.5 - Vehicle was in OOO Service State ‘Service workshop’
  • R108.6 - Vehicle was in OOO Service State ‘Service external’
  • R108.7 - Vehicle was in OOO Service State ‘Replace’
  • R108.8 - Vehicle was in OOO Service State ‘Impounded’
  • R108.9 - Vehicle was in OOO Service State ‘Lost’
  • R108.10 - Vehicle was in OOO Service State ‘Retired’
  • R108.11 - Vehicle was in OOO Service State ‘Other’
  • R108.12 - Vehicle was in OOO Service State ‘Ready for deployment’

R109 no vehicle was defined - There was no id nor code supplied to define what vehicle the rental should be created on

R110 use vehicleId OR code, not both - both identifiers id and code of a vehicle were supplied. This is not valid. only one identifier can be supplied at a time

R111 state of rental is not reserved - rental cannot be cancelled because it is not in reservation state

R112 code does not match reserved vehicle - The code supplied for the rental operation does not match the vehicle that is assigned to the rental the operation is to be executed on. It can be, that you have a reservation ongoing while scanning another vehicle. This is a user mistake.

R113 operation not allowed on this vehicle - Vehicle can only be located in AVAILABLE/RESERVATION/DELIVERD state. (not in DRIVING/PARKING state)

R114 operation not allowed on this vehicle - The vehicle is not in a valid serviceState (OPERATIONAL)

R120 rental has already been started

R121 cannot perform operation on non active rental

R122 cannot perform open tailbox for rental which is not active or is ended more than 5min ago

R123 cannot perform operation on a rental which is not active or reservation

R124 cannot renew reservation on rental which is not in reservation

R125 cannot renew reservation on an expired reservation


R131 rental must be ended inside the business area

R132 could not determine if vehicle is inside business area

R133 vehicle must be plugged to power outlet to end the rental

R134 could not start rental with given starting state

R135 please close the tailbox to end the rental

R136 please close the tailbox to switch rental to parking

R137 no position provided, please allow access to your location

R138 Could not create rental, please try again.

R139 Switch to parking is not possible with the given vehicle

R140 you are not in range to reserve vehicle

R141 only startRentalState of ACTIVE or RESERVATION is allowed

R142 could not determine if vehicle is inside a prohibited area

R143 vehicle cannot be turned off inside the prohibited area

R144 admin can only create active rental for user

R145 switch to park failed, vehicle could not be stopped

R146 you are not in range to start rental

R147 helmets needs to be plugged in

R151 ignition must be turned off to park the vehicle

R153 all doors must be closed to park the vehicle

R170 communication failure with vehicle during reservation of rental - The rental could not be created because of an error in the communication from the system to the vehicle.

R171 communication failure with vehicle during cancellation of rental - The rental could not be cancelled because of an error in the communication from the system to the vehicle.

R172 communication failure with vehicle during opening of tailbox - The tailbox could not be opened because of an error in the communication from the system to the vehicle.

R173 failed to start rental - The rental could not be started because of an error in the communication from the system to the vehicle.

  • .1 = general error (e.g. can happen when a vehicle is offline)
  • .2 = operation in progress
  • .3 = time out (vehicle didn’t respond in time)
  • .5 = error with getting the status of a vehicle
  • .6 = operation unsuccessful
  • .7 = device not found (on DeviceCloud, usually due to misconfiguration)
  • .8 = device not connected
  • .9 = operation unsuccessful (usually means the vehicle is refusing to fulfill the action)

R174 Could not end the rental, please try again - The rental could not be ended because of an error in the communication from the system to the vehicle.

  • .2 = operation in progress
  • .3 = time out (vehicle didn’t respond in time)
  • .5 = error with getting the status of a vehicle
  • .6 = operation unsuccessful
  • .7 = device not found (on DeviceCloud, usually due to misconfiguration)
  • .8 = device not connected
  • .9 = operation unsuccessful (usually means the vehicle is refusing to fulfill the action)

R175 communication failure with vehicle during switch to drive - The rental could not be switched to driving because of an error in the communication from the system to the vehicle.

  • .2 = operation in progress
  • .3 = time out (vehicle didn’t respond in time)
  • .5 = error with getting the status of a vehicle
  • .6 = operation unsuccessful
  • .7 = device not found (on DeviceCloud, usually due to misconfiguration)
  • .8 = device not connected
  • .9 = operation unsuccessful (usually means the vehicle is refusing to fulfill the action)

R176 communication failure with vehicle during switch to park - The rental could not be switched to parking because of an error in the communication from the system to the vehicle.

R177 execution of other command in progress

R180 vehicle is in illegal state for operation - The rental could not be created because vehicle is not in serviceState=OPERATIONAL (vehicle is in LOW_SOC/CRITICAL_SOC/OUT_OF_ORDER/RETIRED state)

R181 vehicle is in illegal state for operation - The rental could not be started because vehicle is not in serviceState=OPERATIONAL or LOW_SOC (vehicle is in CRITICAL_SOC/OUT_OF_ORDER/RETIRED state)

R150 could not get latest rental phase

R160 no rental found with given id

R210 could not calculate times or price for rental

R220 cannot perform admin switch to park on rental

R221 cannot perform admin switch to drive on rental

R222 cannot perform admin start on a rental

R223 cannot perform admin operation on a rental which is not active or reservation

R224 cannot perform admin operation on non active rental

R225 cannot admin renew reservation on rental which is not in reservation

R226 rental end time cannot be before rental start time

R227 submit feedback only allowed for rental owner

R228 invalid rental state for feedback submit

R229 rental already contains a feedback

R232 could not determine for admin if vehicle is inside business area. set ignoreBusinessArea to true for overriding

R231 rental must be ended inside the business area by admin. set ignoreBusinessArea to true for overriding

R233 vehicle is moving. ending a rental with a moving vehicle is not possible

R234 end rental failed, vehicle couldn't be stopped

R235 end rental failed, vehicle is in unknown state, please contact customer support. - The Error R235 occurs, when after stopping the vehicle, the status returned by the external API (e.g. NIU) still shows the vehicles as being turned on. So when ending the rental, we stop the vehicle and check status of that vehicle again afterwards, and if it is still being on that ERROR is returned.

R236 rental can only be updated in reservation state

R237 you do not have the permission to update this rental

R238 this branch is not configured to support rentals

R239 reservation can only be bought during reservation mode

R240 you have run out of free reservation time

R241 business rentals have to have a user group defined

R242 Rental can't be created outside of business hours.

R244 Invalid combination of type and source

R245 You can't use additions with chosen rental type

R246 Unable to realize requested actions, please contact customer support.

R247 Unable to realize requested actions, please contact customer support.

R248 Failed to reserve money deposit to start rental

R249 Release of money deposit failed

R250 No active money deposit could be found for this rental

R251 No active money deposit could be found with this id

R252 The selected deposit is not ACTIVE

R256 an operation is already running on this rental, please wait a little

R261 - Vehicle must be off for this operation to succeed


Rental Addition

RA100 Rental addition not found

RA101 Rental addition with given code already exists

RA102 Rental addition with given id has active references (rentals)

RO100 Routing has not been properly set up

RO101 Failed to communicate with external routing service

RO102 rate limit exceeded

RO103 route optimization processing error

RR100 Radar not found

RR101 You already have an active radar

RR102 Maximum radius has been exceeded

RW100 code already in use

RW101 this reward has already been used

RW102 rebate or value benefit has to be supplied

RW103 invalid combination of benefits supplied

RW404 reward could not be found



RL100 - Rate limit reached, please wait a little - After 3 initial tries, users will have to wait 120s to be able to try again


S103 The start time of a booking has to be in the future.

S104 cannot create booking this close to starting time

S105 this booking cannot be canceled

S106 no booking found with given id

S107 cannot cancel booking this close to starting time

S108 booking can not be updated in this state

S109 time is too close to rental for update

S110 This vehicle is already booked

S111 booking should start within opening hours

S112 booking should end within opening hours

S114 no booking found the vehicle could be delivered to

S117 end time must be after start time

S118 maximum rental time exceeded

S119 no vehicles are available at the chosen time

S120 You already have a booking in this time frame

S121 There are currently no vehicles available

S122 You are outside of the pick up time frame

S123 The booking can currently not be picked up.

S124 This branch is not configured to handle bookings.

S125 branch is not configured to support variable location bookings

S126 vehicle is not in proper state for delivery

S127 vehicle is too far away from booked location

S128 vehicles soc it too low for booked location

S129 it is too early/late to deliver this vehicle to the booking

S130 vehicle is of the wrong category for booking delivery

S131 vehicle is on the wrong branch for booking delivery

S132 booking is of wrong type

S133 booking is misconfigured

S134 supply either branch or position not both

S135 incomplete location supplied

S137 the selected end station is not available

S138 wrong booking state is provided

S139 rejection reason needs to be provided when rejecting booking

S140 booking is already processed

S141 you are not in range to check in

S142 this booking is in the wrong state for check in

S143 you are outside of the check in time frame


Vehicle & Communication

V202 vehicle couldn't be found

V203 can not update status to RETIRED, use call retireVehicle for this

V204 can not update status to OPERATIONAL for vehicle without IoT module - The vehicle has no IoT module connected. Please check if the battery is charged, the IoT is linked in the dashboard to a vehicle and has a good reception (preferably outside).

V210 status of vehicle could not be updated

V211 could not open tailbox of vehicle - The tailbox could not be opened because of an error in the communication from the system to the vehicle. This can be bad reception, temporary IoT issues, wiring issues or SIM card problems.

V212 could not start vehicle - The vehicle could not be started because of an error in the communication from the system to the vehicle. This can be bad reception, temporary IoT issues, wiring issues or SIM card problems.

V213 could not stop vehicle - The vehicle could not be stopped because of an error in the communication from the system to the vehicle. This can be bad reception, temporary IoT issues, wiring issues or SIM card problems.

V214 could not switch on alarm for vehicle - The alarm could not be turned on because of an error in the communication from the system to the vehicle. This can be bad reception, temporary IoT issues, wiring issues or SIM card problems.

V215 could not switch off alarm for vehicle - The alarm could not be turned off because of an error in the communication from the system to the vehicle. This can be bad reception, temporary IoT issues, wiring issues or SIM card problems.

V216 branch is not configured correctly to find available vehicle - No booking settings are defined for the branch of the vehicle.

V217 could not find available vehicle for pickup - No online vehicle could be found for that branch and vehicle category. This means the is-online check failed for all available vehicles for that branch and vehicle category.

V218 could not locate vehicle - The vehicle could not be located because of an error in the communication from the system to the vehicle. This can be bad reception, temporary IoT issues, wiring issues or SIM card problems.

V219 could not open saddle of vehicle - The saddle of the vehicle could not be opened because of an error in the communication from the system to the vehicle. This can be bad reception, temporary IoT issues, wiring issues or SIM card problems.

V220 could not send custom command to vehicle - The custom command could not be sent to that vehicle because of an error in the communication from the system to the vehicle. This can be bad reception, temporary IoT issues, wiring issues or SIM card problems.

V222 could not set speed of vehicle - The maximum speed could not be set for that vehicle because of an error in the communication from the system to the vehicle. This can be bad reception, temporary IoT issues, wiring issues or SIM card problems.

V223 found duplicate license plate

V224 found duplicate code

V225 could not reboot vehicle - The vehicle could not be rebooted because of an error in the communication from the system to the vehicle. This can be bad reception, temporary IoT issues, wiring issues or SIM card problems.

V226 found duplicate VIN

V404 vehicle couldn't be found

V405 vehicle is in an active rental session

V406 only one vehicle identifier can be set

V407 this action is not possible on this vehicle type

V408 the requested action failed - There is no connection between the vehicle and the server. This can be a network issue, the vehicle could be parked in a shielded place or the IoT is offline

V409 vehicle damage not found

V410 User not allowed to submit vehicle damage

V411 This vehicle is not configured to record damages

V412 The given part is not valid on the given vehicle

V413 All mandatory core vehicle property fields should be set for the given vehicle - A common issue when receiving this error is, that approach and leave commands are not setup for the respective vehicle category. Therefore, this issue usually appears when using the service app.

V415 Chosen vehicle is currently unavailable

V416 Vehicle already has a module associated

V417 Module you are trying to associate is retired

V418 Vehicle already has the same module you are trying to associate

V419 Module you are trying to associate is not ready

V420 Applicable maintenance settings are not configured

V421 Provided setting is not supported for chosen vehicle

V422 Provided setting is not configured

V423 Type of provided parameter is not correct




VA100 Voucherable not found

VA101 Not allowed combination of validity constraints

VA102 Validity date is in the past

VA103 Validity period or time unit is missing

VA104 All benefits are null

VA105 Provided benefits combination is not valid

VA106 Voucherable with given code already exists

W101 voucher not found

W103 this voucher is not valid at this location

W105 voucher has already been used

W113 this promotion is not valid at this location

W115 promotion is not valid at this time

W117 promotion has already been used

W118 you're not allowed to use this promotion

W120 please complete verification before using a referral code

W121 you can't use a referral twice

W122 you can't use a referral code when you already have rentals

W123 you can't refer yourself 😉

W124 promotion's max redeem limit already reached

W125 you already bought a signup package or used a signup promotion

W126 geo fence promotion can't be redeem manually

W127 branch is not defined for voucher

W128 you must have at least one successful ride with us

W129 you cannot buy initial package as you already bought a non-initial package

W130 voucher is not active

W131 referrer must have at least one successful ride with us

W132 Not allowed combination of validity constraints

W133 Voucher validity date has expired

W134 Validity period or time unit is missing

W135 You cannot create voucher with validity date until in the past


Packages and Invoicing

I101 package couldn't be bought

I103 package couldn't be bought

I105 package couldn't be paid

  • I105.1 - When user tries to buy a package
  • I105.2 - When settlement invoice could not be created because of failed payment
  • I105.3 - 3DS was triggered on balance settlement
  • I105.4 - 3DS was triggered on package buy but setting doesn't allow for 3DS confirmation

I110 Can't create reservation on credit card

I120 Fine already has an invoice

I121 User not notified yet

I122 Invoice not open, can't add line item

I130 No invoice available yet

I131 Invoice type mismatch

I132 Invoice already billed

I140 No refund allowed due to state of invoice

I141 Refund amount higher than invoice amount

  • I141.1 - single refund amount is higher than invoice gross price
  • I141.2 -line item refund amount is higher than line item price
  • I141.3 - line item refund combined with existing refunds is higher than line item price

I142 Refund amount higher than remaining payment

I143 This type of payment can't be refunded

I150 subscription couldn't be bought

I151 subscription couldn't be paid

  • I151.1 - Payment error when trying to renew subscription
  • I151.2 - 3DS was triggered on automated subscription renewal

I404 No invoice found

  • I404.1 - get invoice was triggered on InvoiceServiceNone (configuration issue)
  • I404.2 -no invoice with given id exists for getInvoice request

I405 No line item of invoice found



J404 no balance found

J100 can't charge a positive balance

J101 balance settlement failed

J102 supply either balanceId OR branchId

J103 the user doesn't have a default payment source

J104 the selected balance is currently being charged

J105 Must select branch OR vehicle, not both, not none

J106 cannot delete balances created by the system

J107 only the owner of a balance can delete it

J108 only a balance that has never been used can be deleted

J109 only balance owner can give access

J110 only balance owner can view access

J111 only balance owner can revoke access

J112 failed to set default balance

J113 can't use balance from another billable branch



F101 Rental not found

F103 User already notified of fine

F404 Issue not found

F405 Comment for issue not found

F202 You can only add an invoice to an issue that has an affected user

F203 Create invoice first

F204 The linked deposit is too small to cover this invoice

F205 There was an error billing the invoice

F201 No rental, vehicle or branch given

F301 You may only add files to your own comments

F303 File couldn't be uploaded


Generic API error

G100 Empty request body


Message resources

M101 Message for given settings already exists

M102 Given code is reserved for system operations

M404 Message not found



MO100 Module with given externalId already exists

MO101 Module with given name already exists

MO102 Module with given iccid already exists

MO103 Module does not exist

MO104 Module can only be updated from retired to unassigned

MO105 You must provide externalId or id of a module

MO106 You can't provide both externalId and id of a module

MO107 Can't assign a modules which is already assigned to another vehicle

MO108 Module with given macAddress already exists

MO109 Module is already retired

MO110 Module is retired


Notification Hub

H100 Failed to resolve message content.

H101 Undefined message template.

H102 Failed to send notification - missing user info.

H103 No successful deliveries for any of the targeted recipients/topics and notification channels.

H104 Failed sending OneSignal PUSH notification - received error from the OneSignal API

H105 No OneSignal subscriptions found for recipient

H107 OneSignal device doesn't exist

H108 No OneSignal devices successfully updated

H109 Failed to create OneSignal email subscription

H110 OneSignal feature not enabled


File Service

L303 File couldn't be uploaded

L404 File could not be found

L405 File size must be less or equal to 2MB

L406 File content type must be provided


Constraint Packages & Vouchers

C101 package not found

C102 Other package with that code already exists

C103 Not allowed to update package branch and code

C104 Cannot buy package - max redeem limit has already been reached

C105 Cannot update package branch to a non billable branch

C106 Cannot buy package - redeem limit by user has already been reached

C107 Validity period or time unit is missing

C108 Only constraint package can be limited for branches and vehicle categories

C109 Applicable branches must have the same billable branch as package

C110 Buying packages is not allowed for foreign branches

C400 Failed to delete category, still in use.

C404 category not found

C405 Vehicle category has cyclic parent configuration

C406 Vehicle category with the same name already exists


Vehicle Commands

VC100 Process execution type not supported for provided command

VC101 Return type not supported for provided command and process execution type

VC102 Vehicle command already exists for given type and custom command name

VC103 Vehicle command not found

VC401 Named parameter(s) missing

VC402 Custom command name should not be null

VC403 Error occurred while executing command

VC404 Vehicle type, custom command template, and custom command name must not be null

VC405 Vehicle type, custom command template, named parameters and custom command name must be null

VC406 All variables present in command template between curly brackets must exist in named parameters

VC407 async' process execution can only be combined with 'none' return type

VC408 Named parameters must be null or empty because command has no named parameters

VC409 Named parameters must not be null or empty because command has named parameters

VC410 Number of named parameters don't match number of named parameters in command

VC411 Type of provided name parameter is not correct

VC412 Named parameters should be null when command template has no variables between curly brackets

VC413 Named parameters must have only variables present in command template between curly brackets

VC414 Named parameters and custom command template must be null

VC415 You are not allowed to perform this action on predefined command

VC416 Vehicle does not have module associated

VC417 Vehicle command not supported for this vehicle type

VC418 User does not have the permissions to execute a vehicle action on the branch


T100 Promotion not found

T101 can't create promotion on a not billable branch

T103 can't use this code for a promotion, already taken

T110 Not allowed to update promotion branch and code

T111 Invalid start and end time values

T112 Promotions type mismatch

T113 Area for geo-fence-promotion must not be empty

T114 Duration, weekdays and recurrence start time of geo-fence-promotion must not be empty

T115 Show in user app must not be null.

T116 Combination of geo-fence-promotion types is not allowed



T102 Invalid recurrence condition

T104 Task object error

T105 Invalid task data

T106 Task not found

T107 Recurring task not found

T108 Task template not found

T109 Invalid state or action for current state of object



T120 Annotation not found

T121 Tag in use

T123 Duplicate tag name

T124 Annotation type is not supported



T300 Tutorial not found

T301 Slide not found

E101 event could not be published

E102 the given entity type is invalid

X001 Not implemented yet.

X002 no authorization header

X003 invalid bearer in authorization header


Authentication & Authorization

A201 user creation failed

A202 email address couldn't be changed

A205 couldn't delete user

A206 can't get active user

A207 error sending sms

A208 authentication ids mismatch

A209 couldn't sent verify email link

A210 couldn't verify email

A211 couldn't issue sms code

A212 couldn't get user refresh tokens

A213 couldn't invalidate user refresh token(s)

A214 couldn't create API client


AUTH001 http message not readable

AUTH002 access is denied

AUTH003 internal server error, sorry

AUTH004 error with constructing private key

AUTH051 tenant doesn't exist

AUTH052 user doesn't exist

AUTH053 tenant is not allowed to update this user

AUTH101 email or password don't match

AUTH102 phone number or sms code don't match

AUTH103 sms code has expired

AUTH104 refresh token has expired

AUTH105 user with that password code doesn't exist

AUTH106 reset password code has expired

AUTH107 bad phone number format

AUTH108 user is temporarily blocked. Please try again later

AUTH109 user is temporarily blocked. Please try again later

AUTH110 user is rejected from phone sign in after repeated failures

AUTH111 user is rejected from email sign in after repeated failures

AUTH112 user is blocked from email sign in after repeated failures

AUTH113 user is blocked from phone sign in after repeated failures

AUTH114 email sign in method not added

AUTH115 phone sign in method not enabled

AUTH116 social sign in method not enabled

AUTH201 email already in use -> when signing up with email and the email is used already

AUTH202 user with that email doesn't exist

AUTH203 SMS code is still valid, please use the code you got

AUTH204 social login is already in use -> the user already exists but is trying to sign up

AUTH205 social login not valid

AUTH206 phone number already in use -> when signing up with phone number and the phone number is used already

AUTH207 email mismatch

AUTH208 multiple sign in methods are forbidden

AUTH209 social login type not supported

AUTH210 api client doesn't exist

AUTH212 phone number not set

AUTH214 email sign in method already added

AUTH215 phone sign in method already added

AUTH216 sign in method not enabled

AUTH217 unknown Scope


Stations error codes

SA101 station not found


Settings error codes

ST101 setting not found

ST102 duplicate key&area pair for setting

ST103 unique value for key & SHARED area exists

ST201 setting validation failed

ST202 invalid setting configuration

ST203 setting not configured - rental requirements for the specific vehicle category are not configured

ST204 Setting invalid, as type has been deleted in the past

ST205 Setting invalid, as type value is not associated with a known type

ST206 Value must not be null when type is provided


Signup, referral

SR100 Signup/referral not found


Device cloud error codes

DC001 scooter communication problem

DC004 command execution timed out

DC102 scooter is already processing a command, pls try again later

DC103 the command is not supported by that device

DEB100 One Signal sync is already running

Other errors

Error 0003 Requested resource is currently in use. - Someone else is trying to update the same data, user or driving license etc. at the same time as you are. Please try to repeat this operation as this usually fixes the issue.

Error 0017 TypeMismatch - please logout and login as this fixes the issue.

A lot of riders are enjoying our service at the moment.
Please try again in a few seconds. - This situation happens when a lot of users try to access the application from the same area or the same IP address. Then the system recognizes this as a DDoS attack and prevents users from entering the application for security reasons. After a couple of minutes, the user should try accessing the application again.