Endpoints response times


The API is in general subject to be change over time and is based in the sense of Agile Development will be constantly evolved and adapted.

Measuring timeframe

The measuring timeframe of the response time defined by the corresponding APIs is congruently set to one year.

Exclusions of response time assurance

  • Delays or longer response times on calls due to external dependencies (payment gateway, OneSignal, vehicle connectivity and commands, external tooling)
  • Maintenance windows and releasing timeframes
  • Unforeseeable external events (e.g. infrastructure downtimes, etc.)
  • Wrong usage of the corresponding endpoints or ignoring best practices & fair-use policy
  • Intended usage where a long response time is expected (e.g. retrieving large amounts of data, heavy filtering, retrieving data which is in the past, etc.)



90 percentile with a response time of less than 3 seconds is assured for the following endpoints making up 90% of the total requests on the system:

  • GET rentals
  • GET rental details
  • DELETE rental
  • POST rental (without rental start operation, QR code scan excluded)
  • GET branches
  • GET resolve branch
  • GET current user
  • PATCH current user
  • GET user group
  • POST edit group
  • GET payment-sources
  • DELETE payment-source
  • PUT edit default payment source
  • GET packages
  • GET promotions
  • GET subscriptions
  • GET vehicles
  • GET vehicle details
  • GET vehicle-categories
  • GET rental-requirements
  • GET bookings
  • GET rental additions
  • GET settings

Devices API

90 percentile with a response time of less than 3 seconds is assured for the following endpoints:

  • GET device details by IMEI
  • GET check if device online
  • GET batch-update-v2

Endpoints to send commands are excluded due to external dependencies out of our control, which are (additional ones might be added at any point in the future):

  • POST send vehicle command

Operations API

90 percentile with a response time of less than 15 seconds is assured for the following endpoints:

  • GET vehicles
  • PATCH a vehicle
  • GET vehicles details

Endpoints to send commands are excluded due to external dependencies out of our control, which are (additional ones might be added at any point in the future):

  • POST send vehicle command

Backend APIs

This API definition includes APIs used for more load intensive back office purposes which naturally comes with higher response times due to processing of the requests (e.g. bulk edits).

90 percentile with a response time of less than 50 seconds is assured for the following endpoints:

  • GET users
  • GET damages
  • GET invoices
  • GET tasks

90 percentile with a response time of less than 15 seconds is assured for the following endpoints:

  • GET annotations
  • GET balances
  • GET balance updates
  • GET bookings
  • GET branches
  • GET branch details
  • PATCH customer
  • GET user details
  • GET current user
  • GET damage details
  • GET files
  • GET file links
  • GET issues
  • POST issues
  • GET rentals
  • GET route information of rental
  • GET rental details
  • GET roles
  • GET role assignments
  • GET role assignments detailed
  • GET settings
  • GET settings-management
  • GET vehicles
  • PATCH a vehicle
  • GET vehicles details
  • GET commands of vehicles categories
  • GET verification details

Endpoints to send commands are excluded due to external dependencies out of our control, which are (additional ones might be added at any point in the future):

  • POST send vehicle command
  • POST approach action
  • POST leave action
  • POST close action