1. goUrban Knowledge Base
  2. White-label end-user app
  3. Important info about the white-label end-user app

Create a new application (Play/App Store)

Necessary for every operator who is using the goUrban white-label end-user app.

App Store

Bundle ID Creation

  1. Sign in to the Apple Developer Portal and go to https://developer.apple.com/account/resources/identifiers/bundleId/add/bundle
  2. Add a description for the app e.g. "My new amazing app
  3. Choose a bundle ID that will be your unique app identifier in the Apple AppStore. Usually this is a combination from top-level-domain, domainname, appname. e.g. com.domainname.appname. Example goUrban: Our domain is gourban.co and our app is called ServiceApp. This would result in the following Bundle ID co.gourban.serviceapp.
  4. Select "Explicit" for the explicit definition of the bundle ID
  5. Choose your expected capabilities of the app. The less there is, the easier the app is approved by apple. The starting point for goUrban apps is: "Associated Domains" and "Push Notifications".

App Creation

  1. Sign in to the AppStore Connect an go to "Apps" -> https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/apps
  2. Click on the blue plus and choose "Add new App" 
  3. Fill in the name and primary language
  4. Select the Bundle ID if already created. In case the bundle ID is not created yet go to "Bundle ID creation" above. 
  5. Add a unique identifier for your app. E.g. the same as the bundle ID
  6. Choose Full Access for publicly available apps
  7. Press “Create”

App Information

  1. Use following link to login into your Apple AppStore account to submit your new app / app update for review: https://itunesconnect.apple.com
  2. Click on “My Apps” and choose the right app.

3.    Click on “App Information” and fill out all requested information. Adding a privacy policy link is a necessity to get the app approved successfully by the apple review team. We recommend choosing the following categories: “Travel” & “Navigation”. Make sure before modifying any information that you have chosen the right language in the top right corner.

4.   Next choose the section “Pricing and Availability” on the left navigation. Set the price for the app to “FREE” and choose the regions where you would like people to find your app. We recommend setting it to “All”. The app will be now available for free in the app store and therefore you can set “Distribution for Business and Education” to “Available on the App Store, for volume purchasing on Apple Business Manager, and for volume purchasing at a reduced price on Apple School Manager”.

5.    Choose in the navigation “iOS Platform” the version “Prepare to Submit”. If it is not available and you only see “Ready for Sale” versions. Click on “+ Version or Platform”, check in Testflight the latest available version and create a new version based on this number.

Add gourban account

  1. In the initial dashboard of Apple connect, select Users and Access, and click on the “plus” sign
  2. Add the name as goUrban, surname as Admin and the email as ios-dev@gourban.co. Under Roles, select Admin, and make sure that Access to Certificates, Identifiers and Profiles box is selected. Select your app in the dropdown under Apps, and click on Invite
  3. Notify the goUrban team of the invite right away, so they can accept the invite.

Play Store

App creation

  1. Create a name with the name of your choice.


2.     Fill out all requested information in the “App details” category.


3.     In the App dashboard, you can check what are the next necessary steps to set up your app.

4.    For “App access”, select that all functionalities are available without any special access.

5.    Select that the app does not contain ads in the “Ads” section

6.    Complete the questionnaire for the “Content rating”. You should have a PEGI 3+ rating after finishing.

7.     Complete the “Target audience section”

8.     In the app category section, in the select “App” in the app or game field, and add “Travel and local” in the category field. Add your company email and phone in the contact detail fields.

9.      For the “Store listing” section prepare:
- 512px x 512px Hi-res Icon

- Minimum 2 screenshots of the app (JPEG or 24-bit PNG (no alpha). Min length for any side: 320px. Max length for any side: 3840px)

- Feature Graphic (1024px x 500px)

10.     If all is done correctly, all the required fields in the dashboard should be crossed out. Send a message to goUrban. We will upload the first ABB file to Alpha so you can start testing.

11.      After successful review and for future updates, you can push the app live through the App releases manager. Simply create a new production track release.

Attention: New Google Audit requirements for app creation:

The most important things to note are all in the app content section. Please make sure that the fields are filled in correctly.

App access: 

• If you have login or sign up via phone enabled, then All or some functionality in my app is restricted and should be chosen

• You should provide further info on how it can be accessed. e.g. if only phone numbers from Germany are allowed, then you should mention that, etc. 

Data safety:

• All the data that are collected in the app should be mentioned as data collected

• Data that you share should be mentioned as well, e.g. phone sign-in -> Phone number data shared (as it's shared with Twilio)

Add goUrban account

  1. In the initial dashboard, click Users and permissions, and click on Invite new user
  2. In the next screen, in the email box, add android-dev@gourban.co as the email, and select your newly created app.