No movement

Only visible for free-floating branches.

You may NOT want not to charge rentals under certain conditions.

Let’s say a user has started a rental, but as the vehicle started, they noticed that the front light doesn’t work. The user ends the rental right after.

Charging the user in such a case could result in a call to your customer service, where the customer would ask for a refund.

By configuring the no movement rule, you can avoid charging the user under certain conditions:

  • maximum distance (in meters): how much distance between the initial position and the end position is allowed. Consider that 0 is not an appropriate value because the GPS modules are not reliable enough.
  • maximum time (in minutes): how long can the rental last before the user gets charged?

Configure no movement rule

  • Click the Set no movement rule button
  • Set the maximum distance in meters
  • Set the maximum times in minutes
  • Submit the form

You can update it or remove it by clicking the Remove no movement rule button.