
View details about the rentals of the selected branch.


Shows the number of rentals depending on the state and time unit. It will also show a break down to sub-branches.

Avg. Rental Duration

The average rental duration is shown for the given settings, where the overall rental time is divided by the count of rentals.

Avg. Distance

The average rental distance is shown for the given settings, where the overall distance is divided by the count of rentals.

Avg. Rating

The average rating is shown for the given settings, where the overall rating is divided by the count of rentals.

Avg. Rental Price (Net)

The average rental price (Net) is shown for the given settings, where the overall rental price (Net) is divided by the count of rentals.

Total Rental Price (Net)

The total rental price (Net) is shown for the given settings.

The rental price (Net) does not include taxes.

Rental price by rental phase

The rental price is shown for the given settings.

Driving vs Parking minutes

The comparison between driving and parking minutes is shown for the given settings.

Rentals per vehicle per day

You can see the calculation of rentals per vehicles per day in a graph for the given settings.