
View basic statistics about your customers


The sign-ups are shown for the given settings in total numbers. A sign-up is counted, when a user is created in the system. This can be either via creating a user in the dashboard, entering the phone number, social login, and/or email address in the white-label end-user app.

Sign-up methods

The different sign-up methods which are available are shown as a pie chart for the given settings. You can see the total amount and the percentage by the method in the table below the graph.

Customers by age groups

You can see the distribution of customers by age groups in percentage in a pie chart and the absolute as well as the percentage in the table below.

The age groups are predefined and cannot be changed.

Note: In order to see the age groups displayed properly, this data also needs to be filled. You can set the birthday as a requirement during the sign-up process.

Rentals by age groups

You can see the distribution of rentals by age groups in percentage in a pie chart and the absolute as well as the percentage in the table below.

Note: In order to see the age groups displayed properly, this data also needs to be filled. You can set the birthday as a requirement during the sign-up process.

Top 50 customers by rentals

View the top 50 customers sorted by rental count here. You can find additional information such as the user ID, name, minutes traveled, and distance covered in this table.

By clicking on one of the rows, you can directly navigate to the respective user- quick view.