1. goUrban Knowledge Base
  2. Ecosystem
  3. Payment gateways and payment methods


The goUrban environment is integrated well with Adyen. As an operator, you have to get a contract with the payment gateway in order to process your payments. This process is under the responsibility of the operator. goUrban only offers a connection to the payment gateway but does not do support or settings for this account.

First steps

  1. Here is a step-by-step guide from Adyen on how to get started: https://docs.adyen.com/get-started-with-adyen
  2. You will need to sign-up for a test account. This you can do under this link: https://www.adyen.com/signup
  3. When the test account is created, apply for a live account. Out of the four dropdown menus in your test account, only the last one is important for a sharing operator, where you can apply for the live account. The application takes about 30 minutes. Everything you will need is written when trying to apply. See the picture below for reference.
  4. Please share the Username, Account, and Password with your contact at goUrban. The goUrban tech team will do the necessary settings and you can change the password as soon as you have confirmed that everything has been done. Usually, this task takes 1-2 days to complete.
An example image of a test account and where to apply for a live account

Failed transactions

You can find failed transactions on the Adyen dashboard using the Charge ID. The Charge ID can be found in the goUrban dashboard within the user quick-view. See picture below for reference.